*  EL156/KT88/KT90/KT120 SE Amplifier D.I.Y
tube--Wel come to Site----------This site shown D.I.Y Single Ended Amplifiers-----almost valve amplifiers----some of digital staff--- ----Ham Radio --------Hi Fi sound to suppose be high end audio---etc etc-----from Yachiyo Chiba---Japan-------small city of Yachiyo located around 30Km west of down town of Tokyo ------very close to Narita International Air Port--- tube


Let's me show you what is Perque Drive EL156 Single Ended Amplifier

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🇯🇵 Japanese
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Real Audiophile no use Push Pull Amplifier

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EL156 Single Ended Amplifier 2020 Feb

EL156 Single Ended Amplifier in Lampa Chile Feb 2020 USD $ 2600 but no include EL156 China

I experimented with various transformers for this amp.
The cheapest transformer in terms of price is Toei Transformer OPT-20S, which is said to be the Clone of TANGO's U-808, but it is a naked transformer without a case. The sound tends to be Tango (ISO) XE20S or FC-20S. Currently, Toei Trans has the OPT-22S-Z as a higher-end model. Toei Transformer also has transformers using Amorphous Core.
On sale.


Price of Transformer are a little bit lower than ISO Transformer price is each one I recomend to use FC-20S if use this one .
Super Core using Toei Transformer Co Japan. much better than Armophas core
if would like to use this transformer add USD $ 300 dollars Amplifier price indicated. if 300B single ended amplifier price USD 2900 dollars $ 3200.

Super Core Universal Transformer 64000 Yen Pair

with Altec 7 by Mr Hugo C S

comment from audiophile from chile on 4th Jan 2022


the other face of Gen2 EL 156 Single Ended Amplifier to got Good Bass on 20th/feb/2009) USD $ 3200


KT90/6GB8 Single Ended Amplifier with FC 20S (XE20S) USD 3200 double base for US and Europa 10Pin for EL156 original

Today on the morning I got text from Mr Guillermo Hugo Cardenas on 4th Jan 2022 (he is owner of this amplifier)

Mr Guillermo Hugo Cardenas

Match made in the audiophile heaven:
Mizushima EL34 amp (Gen V2, with NOS Tesla EL34)
Rega Planar 8 / MC Ania cartridge
Altec A7-500 speakers

If there is such thing as a perfect audio hifi system, it must be very close to this.
The overwhelming clarity of the whole sound coming from this system never approach any hint of the “analytical clarity” that sometimes expensive audio equipment attains.
Add the natural timbral accuracy of the sound and the result is just majestic: there is a sense of elegance to the music that it is based on the highest high fidelity to the original sound of live interpretations.
No trace of the “sweet sound of vacuum tubes” here, the music is just as it is supposed to be, that is, as near as possible to the sound of live music.

This system exhibits the rare virtue of disappearance during the audio session,
so the music is the true protagonist catching the mind and soul of the few audiophile people that are privileged enough to enjoy it.
There is a catch however to the very high fidelity of this system. Good and very good recordings sound terrific and enjoyable,

but poor- and low-quality records do not need to apply because they simply sound horrendously bad.
So, if one looks for the music as close to live performances as possible within the real world of home audio,
the Mizushima EL34 amplifier (NOS Tesla EL34) is the perfect match for the superb Rega Planar 8 turntable with the MC Ania cartridge.
It does not hurt to pair up the amplifier with outstanding speakers like the Altec Lansing A7-500.
show setup

EL11 and EL3N .it is not EL156 but sound is kind of EL156 .I think small EL156 , EL12 is just small size of EL156.


my site

for smartphone

I think 6B-B8 is good for this amplifier


6GB8 is just like European valve for audio amplifier valve


EL34 and EL156 china are same same simbol so and 6BG8 are same base so you can use same base of EL 156 China can use EL34. but always
pin8 and pin1 are connected. you can use same base with 6GB8 ,discontinue model but you can buy used condition of Toshiba 6BG8.just same as EL156 original.

Slow Train

Slow Train EL84 with Tango(ISO) 16th July 2023


for European EL84 Single Ended Amplifier . EL84 was Audio Valve Born in Europa

What do you think ? less than EL156 power but if do you have high effiency speaker may be enough to use at home

Gen V2   GenV2

photos about audio system on 4th Jan 2022 Mr Hugo took Lampa Chile

EL34/KT66/KT77/KT88/KT90/KT120/KT150/6V6/6L6/ EL156(China) Single Ended Amplifier


2022 Plan EL34/6V6 compatible single ended Amplifier only plan DIY

can be use 6V6/EL34/EL156-China and /KT77/KT88/KT120/KT150 as single-ended amplifier my be can be use 6F6 .all of UL mode

🇷🇺Почему в России нет EL156? Многие японцы просят производить EL156 российского производства на базе США. Пожалуйста, произведите его после окончания войны.


FC20S ISO version KT88 and 6GB8 Single Ended Amplifier USD $ 3000 dollars

compatible single ended Amplifier on 2018

re build up. on 28th Mar 2018 EL34/KT88/EL156-china/6550/KT120 Single-Ended Amplifier
Gen V2 弦

schematic diagram EL156/EL34 single ended Amplifier 2018


EL34/EL156/KT120/KT88 Single Ended Amplifier on 31st MAY 2019

If would like to get sama one El156 china is discontinue and price of Amplifier is almost $ 2500 USD.

Single-ended amplifiers have low output power and require high efficiency speakers.
The efficiency must be at least 91dB/m/w. A full range of 96dB/m/w or better is good. Some people use a horn type speaker with 100 dB/m/w. Choose high efficiency speakers instead of expensive ones.

as KT-120 Single-Ended Amplifier 2018

replaced valve from EL156 to KT-120 Tung sol

as KT120 Single-Ended Amplifier


Japanese Radio Network on Line

This RIAA with same amplifier using EL34 Single Ended Amplifier on 18th Feb 2019

el156 single by JBL

with JBL in Santiago,Chile

The sound has the right touch of sweetness to give the tone of the tubes but without distorting the natural sound of the music .
As it is the sound is quite similar to the sound 300B, suddenly it seems even better,
it may be the enthusiasm of the novelty but it says a lot about the quality of this new amplifier. this comment from Owner on 24th May 2018 Santiago,Chile
he said seem like 300B SET.and power full sound getting.
and he said,,,
I have just changed tubes to EL156 leaving everything equal. I tried EL156 with YoYo Ma Bach interpretations through DacMagic Plus, and with a CD of Carla Helmbrecht:
EL156 sound is louder than KT120 and with a clear and defined midrange resembling sound of Shuguang 300B-98... Sound of EL156 is more open and clearer in the mid frequencies, with more controlled low frequencies than KT120. It is a lovely sound for jazz and cello.
Both EL156 and KT120 are very good and enjoyable sounding tubes, with different character of sound.
And the sound of EL34 is very special, I think midrange of EL34 is distinctive, with a warm tone that it is the more enjoyable for jazz and strings.
All these character sounds are most beautiful and hifi, one has to enjoy all of them with different music and artists...
This is a very hi end amplifier with great versatility to enjoy different kinds of music. I like it very much because it is so much fun.
I like it so much the sound of Gen V2, with all the tubes the sound is beautiful but every tube has different character...
KT120 sound has prominent and beautiful low and low-mid frequencies with mid range a little bit less prominent than EL156 or 300B.
KT120 sound is loud and I always listen music at low volume because these speakers are very sensitive so amplifiers always run at low volume.
Gen V2 is the dream for audiophiles because is so much fun to listen different tubes and enjoy all of them.
Now I am enjoying cello of YoYo Ma with Bach music and KT120...


this is Youtube List for my site please viste

the Desert Review

Information around Ivermectin obliterates


Note very impotant:fish

New Product Fine Met Transformer FM-24WS-2 is USD $ 1200 pair

This transformer produce good performance of getting sound wide range of frequency response of sound
even can be use 45 Single Ended Amplifier can deliver 4 Ω 5KΩ for 45 and 12A ,71A even EL84 too
Fine met core mede by Hitachi Electronics Japan. General Transformer Made USD $ 1200 piar. only transformer price.
off course can be use Good 45 Single Ended Amplifier for you. amplifier price will be USD $ 5000.if you order.
so you can use 45 Single Ended Amplifier out put speaker 4 Ω so European valve too Base are UX and UF double base.




FM-24WS-2 inside

I am using profecional chassis for valuve amplifier by Takachi BOX Co Japan.

if do you have intersting on all about profecional metal box for electronics.
please see this site and you can get any kind of good termination of BOX.
Takachi BOX (Takachi Electronic Industrial Co.Ltd)-Special BOX-
for Electronics.

Valve Amplifier chasiss etc//Click HERE

My career

I have been Pioneer Chile 4 years, Sony Japan 5 years ,Sennheiser Japan 2 years in the past
Panasonic has been an employee for 16 years.

very much interesting site show you

🇫🇷SN Audio Blog in French

🇬🇧SN Audio Blog in English

🇩🇪SN Audio Blog in German

🇯🇵Original Site SN's Audio Blog

end of show you

EL156 Single Ended Amplifier

EL156 SE D.I.Y

Schematic diagram is next SRPP Drive EL156/6550/KT88 Single Ended Amplifier

perque drive

Shuguang EL156

Shuguang Company built up No2 Super Computer(Nebulae) in the world as you know

OEM EL156 China

OEM EL156 by Shuguang EL156 China

2 stage of an amplifier. driver is 6U8(-B) and SRPP amplifier driver.
this time power transformer capability is not enough for EL156 so will be
get small power than general use for EL156. EL156 necesaly at least 420V/DC
and 280mA current.still I do not decided how to cook the EL156.which is
penthode connection,UL connection and triode connection. in generally EL 156 G1
bias is small thanKT88 and 6550,etc.for exsample -8V for EL156 but -18 for
KT88 on normal condition. wrote@ 20/Feb/2009
Power transformer is MX208 old Tango.max AC voltage is 320V so will be get
370V DC if use silicon diode.(Note: 5U4G is 10% more current than silicon diode)
and 5AR4 is higher voltage to get than direct heating valuve like a 5U4G.
-8 V G1 bias means 420V plate voltage and plate current is aroud 120mA.
so at least need 240mA in stereo amplifier and 420V DC.
I said MX 208 is good enough for Single Ended amplifier but small for EL156.

I have to use UL or Triode connection.load impedance is a little bit higher than
Penthode connection.Penthode connection Df is very low in general.0.5 is normal.
DF 0.5 means not sound.bad sound if does not use NFB.
specialy EL156 China or original EL156 does not need high voltage drive
easy to drive with SRPP.I think any kind of driver can drive EL156 than KT88.
Bias of KT88 is twice of EL156.

""Privately I am producing better sound than the 300 B single ended amp by EL34 Single Ended Amplifier." I am thinking and feeling better than 300B SET.

If does not have UL SG Tap in Audio Transformer but would like to use UL

UL old

an old type of UL circuit when does not have UL Tap(SG)

UL recently

Recently,Introduced on MJ Japan 2011,2012 new type of UL circuit

but if would like to use UL connection when does not have UL Tap

Sound source get from Raspberry Pi B+ This is not toy..High End Audio
Raspberry Pi B+

have to use 6U8 for driver, play Jazz on 2nd Mar 2018, sound is much better than KT88

EL156 China Oder directly to China

c/o Mr Peter, Please write a letter to KUK Audio China.for information about EL156 Shunguang
httep://www.kukaudio.com,person is very kindly so ask anything question to him.

KYK Audio

RIAA LCR by Mizushima

This RIAA using LCR, uploaded by Mr Victor Serrano in Germany

All of Amplifier are made by Mizushima Japan


USD $ 1600 dollars include shipping and valves,only RCA input MM.

Customers say that they have purchased quite a few RIAA equalizers in the last 20 years.
Some of them cost thousands of dollars, but I was interested in the RIAA that Mr Mizushima made because I had the opportunity to use it.
He said he had time to listen to the thousands of vinyl records again. He said that he was very satisfied with the reproduction sound that was close to the original sound.
I think you can understand it even on youtube.

I think that the sound of recent vinyl discs can be played with a RIAA equalizer manufactured and sold by any major audio manufacturer and feel that the sound is thin.
I think that this LCR type equalizer can give you a relaxed and comfortable sound that you can feel when you listen to it.
You can make your own, but I don't think $1600 is an expensive price.
Mr Victor Serrano says that the sound is highly praised. In his case, it was a prototype, so it cost US$3,000, but he said that there would be people who would buy it for US$5,000.
Only this time, I am thinking of making and selling it for $1600 US dollars only for customers in the USA. We do not have stock, so it will take about 3 months.
Customers are limited to USA. One reason is that due to covid19, EMS distribution is only enabled in the United States.

The best sounding phono equalizer in the world at a low price. A very good sounding equalizer preamp that few people have experienced. make a sound
I'm sure you'll be impressed. This is an equalizer preamp designed in line with the RIAA.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is the trade association of the recording industry in the United States.
Many record labels and distributors are members, and it accounts for 85% of the total distribution volume in the United States

And any electronics partes are from Mable Audio in China

Ask Mrs Mable Mable Audio

You can get any good electronics components A to Z from them,also
she has Amp Marttoo

And if would you like to study How to learn amplifier

How to lean build up valve amplifier but this version is only spanish.

Driver is.It's call "Mr PERQUE(PERUKE)[ Mr Tetsu Kimura ]Drive" SRPP but use up side is triode and lower
side is penthode for get much more gain than general(triode) SRPP.
I like SRPP with Direct Heating Triode valuves amplifier like
2A3,45 and 300B Single Ended Amplifier.how about sound ?
sound is very clear but does not
enough to drive Triode tube.SRPP with penthode is good.what do you think ?

I like EL156 China sound. much power and sound is soft.one thing bias very low.
a half of KT88.so necesary to adjust grid bias.both way cathode resistance and
screen grid voltage.this time put 51V zenner into screen grid and connected SG Tap.
cathode resistance is around 250ohm.if can I get much higher plate voltages better.
EL156 original is very expensive in Japan.EL156 China is around USD $120dollers pair
in Japan.still expensive.but sound great than KT88.offcourse depend on Audio Transformer.
price.this time I used chaep Toeui OPT-20S Unversal Transformer.they said some copy of
ISO Tango U-808. sound is very modern sound.somethig like a 300B SET.
Power is 12.5 W rms and DF is 2.5 ,10Hz from to 90Khz within +- 1dB.sound very clear
and good for Jazz , specialy for female vocal is nice to sing song front of speaker.

Doing 6550/KT88/EL34 Single Ended Amplifier

If would like to use KT88/6550/EL34 please use cathode resistance are 390 ohm and
tap of transformer is 280V. 280 V will be get 370Volts for +B.same way you can listen
good sound from this amplifier.if use with 420V +B .you can get Max power is 14Wmax.
nominal power is 8.5W rms.EH 6550 with OPT-20S(UL)(Touei Trans) sound great and low range
is very nice attack and mid and high are so nice tone.some thing like 300B sound.
but feel much better power than 300B SE sound.felt very low distortion.I think
better than any kind of bunch of high price High End Amplifier.

EL34 made up around 8W . 6L6GC can do 6.5W . KT88/6550 UL can get 8W
12E1 can get around 8, EL156 UL can get around 10W .
so which is better ? , my experience said "fat valuves made" good bass.
but Low mew(u)and low internal resitanse Triode valuve made good bass too.this one is
DHT SE just same like sound I got from EL156 China Single Ended Amplifier.sound like
much powerfull and dinamic range are very nice.
base connection is same like a EL34 and 1-8 pin should be connected with some wire .
see next picture.

Base connection EL156 China
Specification for EL156 Shuguang Vacuum Tube
Filament voltage
UH …………………………6.3 V
IH…………………………1.9 A
Maximum rating
anode voltage……………………800 V
second grid voltage………………450 V
anode dissipation power………………50 W
second grid dissipation power…………8 W
cathode current……………………180 mA
voltage between heating and cathode
preset bias time……………………0.1 M
self-bias time………………………0.1 M
input capacitance……………………19 PF
output capacitance……………………7.5 PF
transconductance capacitances……………………0.5 PF
capacitance between grid No.1 and heater……0.25 PF
Static state parameters
Ua…………………………440 V
Ug2…………………………350 V
Rk…………………………150 ohm
Ia……………………………100 mA
Ig2…………………………16 mA
Gm…………………………11 mA/V

Recommended operating condition(suggested value)
Single-tube class A amplification
Ua(0)……………………300 450 V
Ug2………………………250 250 V
Rk…………………………60 90
Ia(0)……………………120 112 mA
Ia(max.sig)……………116 108 mA
Ig2………………………15 17 mA
Ig2(max.sig) …………24 27 mA
RL…………………………4 3.8 k
üg1………………………6 9.2 V
Pout……………………15 25 W
Dtot……………………8 9 %
Push pull AB1 amplification(preset bias)
Ua(b)……………………600 600 V
Ug2………………………300 350 V
Rk………………………160 200 ohm
Ia(0)……………………80 80 mA
Ia(max.sig)……………95 100 mA
Ig2 ……………………10 10.5 mA
Ig2(max.sig) …………18 20 mA
üg1………………………13.5 18.5 V
RL(a-a)……………………8.5 7.6 kohm
Pout………………………65 80 W
Dtot………………………4 4 %
from Shuguang ValveReal SpecEL156 China

OPT-20S Touei

OPT-20SR Toei Transformer

TOEI TransformerCompany, By Google Translate

TOEI Transformer using PCL86 differential push pullAmplifierTOEI Transformer using at all

2 Type of OPT-20S/20SR Toei Transformer.

6550/KT88________ Power 1W RMS 10Hz  to  90Khz -1dB
EL156 China______ Power 1W RMS 10Hz  to  90Khz -1dB

EL156 China is both of same power but feel more powerfull than KT88/6550.
EL156 need at least 400V B+. from 70mA to 75mA is more clear than large
current like over 100mA.Nominal UL power are 10 W both EL156 and KT88/6550 and
Max power are 13 W rms at 1Khz.
These kind of transformer are budget but pair of price is USD $320 dollers.
good charactor but not so cheap transformer.I like OPT-20S/OPT-20SR by Toei.

6550/KT88 Single Ended Amplifier

KT88/EL156china Single ended amplifier

Japanese Version is 日本語版へ行きます

EL156/EL34 / KT88 / 6550 / Compatible SE Amplifier

Just show you all picture up Date 18th Apr 2009

Push botton to see picture

:you can use KT77,EL34,KT88 instead of 6550

: you can see 4 tubes
: small SW for impedance change

EL156/6550/KT88 "GEN" Single Ended Amplifier

Gen : Means "String"in English and "Cuerdas" in Spanish so this amplifier Gen
getting good sound from mostly Cello and Violin and all kind of Strings.Piano too.

This time I'am using Noguch Transformer CO's PMF-20W Audio universal Transformer
.just same like OPT-20SR( Touei Transformer).they are same charactor of U-808
ISO Tango.price and charactor are just like same.but U-808 use gap Transformer.
Noguchi PFM-20W is 3rd time use for my Amplifier.one of 300B SRPP SE and SV811-3
SE Amplifier.
PMF-20W is nice Transformer when I used be use for 300B Amplifier but this time
I used for 6550 SE. does not get good response.OPT-20S is better than PMF-20W.
low edge side is more natural I got from OPT-20S(Touei).mfg spec said PMF-20W is
better than OPT-20S. but OPT-20S is better sound I got with Power Pentodo.

EL156 SE final circuit

with out KNB EL156 SE Amplifier

EL156 SE with KNFB

EL156 Single Ended Amplifier

Final circuit for EL156 Single Ended Aplifier update 11st May 2009

EL156/6550  Single Ended Amplifier

EL156/6550 Single Ended Amplifier Name is Gen V2

But I Like Sound of KT88/6550 Single Ended Amplifier.UL and Triode mode are
better than EL156 SE. I think better than 300B for cost(C/P).I like 300B/2A3 SE
but we can get 6550/KT88 are easly to get one of poket maney than 300B.
UL KT88 can get 12W rms.8W rms at triode mode.300B is very diffcult to get 10W rms.
UL KT88/6550 Sound very clear and powerfull.I guess got very nice tone than 300B SE.
DHT 300B SE is good amplifier and get more musical sound when any one used good
Audio Transformer like a ISO Tango XE-20S or Tamura's. U 808 and XE-20S are same
famliy of Audio Transformer.just like same charactor has each other.

EL156 triode connection

Better sound get from Triode connection EL156 SE on 16th May 2009.

Go to the vinil of world DIY RIAA


This RIAA using LCR, uploaded by Mr Victor Serrano in Germany

All of Amplifier are made by Mizushima Japan

This is one stage line amplifier


2A3/45 Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y

2A3 45


EH KT90 originaly KT90 is EI

KT90 EH is not recomend to use for Audio. some one said PL509 is original charactot.
sound is very tight and I tested many bias and plate voltages but does not get good sound from him.
so what do you think ? I not prefer use for Audio Amplifier.

KT90 2 of

center is KT90 EH

Left side is GE 6L6 ,closely Center is EH KT90 and Right side is China EL156
sound is very different each other.KT90 is sound like KT88.not interchangeable.

KT90 Single Ended Amplifier

I will try to use KT90, KT90 is origialy from EI but EI was lay down long time ago and
very difficult get one from EI KT90.now avairable from EH . original valve is PL509 for Sweep tube for color
TV and top plate.JJ has PL509 new type. but modificated without top plate.so slim valve new PL509 on 2007.

EH KT90 Plate size is just same size EL156 China.very slim skiny.I will try to use KT90 now.some one said
KT90 is same tube as KT88.but plate size is slightly big than KT88's and disspation power has 50W.
I am going use KT90 now and wait for while.

important: KT90 can not replace for KT88 and 6550. some exsample said Triode Connection and +B is 300V
Bias is around 40V so very different with KT88.few amplifier use 2.5Kohm and plate current are appx 80mA~
at 300V.
but KT88 are around 3.5K ohm and 80mA at 390V. compatible amplifier is difficult to use. at plate voltage ,I have 405V same voltages when use KT88/6550.no need value for bias.slightly up drowing
than KT88.81mA with 390 ohm 10W.voltages at cathode is 32V.sound is very clear and low edege is very clear
sound just same like KT88 but feel like more power.mid and high are some tone like KT88SE. schematic diagram
is same.then 2 components are replaced.now I got 93mA and +B is 394V.29V at cathode voltage.a little soft than
before.sound of 80mA like metalic so now better than before.few days later replaced driver from 6U8 to 6AN8.
load impedance is 2.5K ohm.this time use Audio Transformer are OPT-20S Toei.Power Transformer is MX205 Tango.

Driver is replaced from 6AN8A to 6F1P russian NOS.this is MIL Spec tubes.6AN8A is good tubes but expensive
and very difficult to get good one now.

KT90 UL Single Ended Amplifier

KT90 UL Single Ended Amplifier

Next Amplifier circuit diagram
KT90 SE v2 for Mr Brian

Drived by 6AN8A more musical for KT90 Single Ended Amplifier

sound is more musical and low range is very soft.cause by low mu triode drive.
vs 6F12P is high mew u (100) so sound like ECC83 not soft.I think much better than high mu valve.
How is good Gen V2 KT90SE Amplifier ? please try to use good Audio Transformer with 6AN8A SRPP drive.
substute valve is 7199 (RCA,Sovtek).different pin number.chractor is similer.

input capacitor is 15pF for KT88 , but KT90 is around 29pF,so some like miller effect getting.
KT88 is around 15pF ,a half of KT90.KT90's problem is 29pF of gohst capacitor between control grid and
heater.u 20 triode drive is getting effect of Miller so going down high frequency range.6AN8A is good for
Triode (2A3,300B) but a little bit something different each other.
I am using 6U8 again now.if would like use KT88 , must be replace driver valve to 6BL8 ,E80CF and ECF80.
I think can be use 6F1P instead of ECF80.if do you like very bright sound no need replace above valves.
so nothing problem use 6U8A for driver but a little tired listing for long time.
E80CF and 6AN8 are very sweet Jazz from KT90 SE.so back to low mew(u)valves.
6AN8A(E80CF) are more soft sound than 6U8A.only one thing 6AN8A is very difficults get good one.sound is so nice sound
getting from 6AN8A or E80CF(base is different).Just would say "Refined sound" getting from KT90 SE with XE20S.
6AN8A and E80CF are not interchangeble. phisical position of pin(base) is different.
if would like use 6AN8 ,can be use RCA and USA 7199 (not Sovtek ,Sovtek 7199 is copy of 6F1P).
if would like use E80CF ,can be use 6BL8,ECF80 etc.
and 6U8 and 6F1P are differnt sound by medium mew(u)around 40.
23rd May 2010.
XE20S Tango with KT90

KT90 XE20S Tango Single Ended Amplifier on 20th May 2010

Technical note for new type KT88/KT90 and EL156 Amplifier

please see tech note on schematic diagram next.this circuit can be use for 2A3 and 300B too
only few position of circuit need to change and add.KT88 cathode resistance is 390 ohm and KT90 and EL156 China
are same value 310 ohm 10W.Plate voltage is 390V when use KT88 and 400 V for KT90 and EL156 China.
Rectifire valve is 5U4G or 5R4G and 274B .don't use GZ34 and 5AR4 indirect heating valves.
pin 1 and pin 8 of V3 are connected with wire on the octal US base.if does not connected each other will be get damege
final valves when use EL156 China.you can use KT66 Super China and KT90 China instead of EL156 china. 3 valves are
same valves.EL156 China is very good tube ,very sweet and Good Bass.only one problem is quality of material
of Base.will be change color of Base by high temprature.
V2 SRPP Driver can be use low mew u triode and penthode combination valves like 6LB8, 6U8 , ECF80, E80CF ,7199 and 6F1P
instead of 6AN8 and 6AN8A.those valves are different Noval pin connection.E80CF and 6AN8 are Best.7199 Sovtek and
American's 7199 are not same charactor valves.Sovteck 7199 is closely same of 6F1P russo but different pin connection.
6F12P is high mew u triode and penthode so can not use with driver for this amplifier.very simple circuit and
good for drive any Audio Valves even direct heating Triode .please try this circuit to build up one!!!!!!
This driving circuit is
call it's Perque Drive. Perque is Nick Name of Mr Tetsu Kimura. Mr Kimura has experimented this fundamental circuit long
time ago and many person getting good result. frequency response is good and good drive to power tubes than any
regular triode SRPP.we can get easly sound of good bass , good mid and high range from Good Power Valves.
depend on good audio transformers using.

ref: 6AN8 Mu=20,6BN8(ECF80)Mu=20,6BL8 Mu=20,6LN8 Mu=20,ECF80 Mu=20,E80CF Mu=18,6F1P Mu=20, 7199(RCA) Mu=20
6F1P Mu=20 and 6U8 Mu=40. Mu is Mu of a part of Triode.

ECF80 and 6BL8

ECF80 and 6BL8 are same tubes and SQ tubes are E80CF and 7643 .
ECF80 is Miniwatts NOS and sound is very good bass.mid high is nice.
Ei 6BL8 is same type of tube of ECF80 . both are use to be use for Mixer at RF.
Ei 6BL8 can get good bass and mid ,high are classical sound.getting sound from Piano.
some one said E80CF will be get good bass and mid and high range is good for piano.
for Jazz and even classic. 6AN8 is just difficult get good one now so 6BL8 is good
tubes instead as 6AN8.so I can use various type of tubes this amplifier.
6BL8 ,ECF80, E80CF, 6F1P and 7634(Matsushita(Panasonic))made.
some one said E80CF Telefunken sound is good for Audio Driver.
sound is just like DHT(Direct Heating Triode)sound.

One thing KT90 are not so good sounding for Single Ended.originally KT90 is same spec of
TV horizental final(PL509) valves so not for Audio valve.static charactor is good but sound is not
same as KT88 and EL156(China).

Hatt Audio

Hatt Audio Laboratory Japan --Audio Transformer Factory--

KT88 and EL156/KT90 Single Ended Amplifier

Compatible Amplfier Circuit for KT90/KT88 and EL156 China


June 2010

Just enjoy music with KT90 singele ended Amplifier June 2010

EL156 China with Tango

But more powerfull sound getting from EL156 China

Next year on 2011 ,I will try to use KT-120 for Final


Dissipasion is 60W Big Beam tube,good see

Spec ofKT120

KT120 Spec

Tube Spec seach site from China to push icon

tubebbs com china

KT120 PP forumforum from Dynaco Amp version up

KT120 Tung SolNew Sensor Productsite

Introduce about Perque Drive45/2A3 Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y

DIY Suppoted LinkBy ATTITUBE

6550 Single Ended Amplifier will be get 18W rms

KT 150 Single Ended Amplifier 28W rms

Shishido Schematics

Ducan Tubes Search Site

Duncan Search

Tim's KT88 Dream Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y on 2011
DIY KT88 SE Amplifier 2011

Tim from Australia , he is make planning build up KT88 Single Ended Amplifier
now.I got e-mail few week ago from Tim.he said would like to brew KT88 single ended
Amplifier.so start build up KT88 single ended amplifier by Tim.one by one.
also his speaker system is home brew speaker system. Tim is some kind of doctor in autralia.

Tim's Speaker system

Speaker System by Tim W on June 2011

Jump to Dream of TimTim's DIYD.I.Y from Australia

new amp 300B 2016
Going to Next PageHashimoto H20-3.5U using 300B Single Ended Amplifier DIY on 2016


Ref: LV 60 Amplifier designed by Mr Georg Neumann PSPATIAL
New TANGO Transformer from ISO Transformers Co Tokyo Japan

ISO Transformers Japan

Started from OCT 2016 as ISO TRANSFORMERS CO Japan

they have FC-20S instead of XE20S only name of transformer is different.and Name of company is no more TANGO.
New company re-started by ex employee of ISO TANGO.real new company of ex ISO TANGO.and New Name of company is

re build EL156 China Single Ended Amplifier on 2018 Mar

schematic diagram 2018 KT88

For KT88,6550,EL156,EL34 and KT120,KT90,6L6GC schematic diagram

The people who made the amplifiers I made Let's celebrate the brave amp builders!

My poor English is world-famous. It was about 20 years ago that a boy in Chicago asked me to teach him how to use a tube amplifier, and I taught him by email.
Frequently, the boy was saying that my level of English was low. At the age of 22 I moved to the USA and worked for a Jewish company for 3 years repairing amplifiers.
I moved to America at the age of 22 and worked for a Jewish company for 3 years repairing amplifiers. That is my biggest regret. I'm an old amp maker, over 70 years old. I will continue to make amplifiers, despite my poverty.
I can also speak Spanish, having lived in South America for nearly seven years, four as an expatriate for Pioneer. For the next three years I worked for the Motrola distributor in that country,
repairing Motrola radio equipment. My wife is a strong white Argentine woman. Her grandmother was English and her mother French. She has lived with me in Japan for 40 years and speaks Japanese more fluently than I do. Thank you for reading this far.
Thank you very much. I'll tell you more about myself when I get the chance.
Anyway, my English isn't very good, but it's all right if it makes sense. I'm sure there are foreigners who speak even worse English than I do. Please understand that this is not a site to evaluate my English. This text was written by translating my bad Japanese .

Gozilla Amplifier Diy

Who made Goziila Amplifier by Mr Rob Buelteman

Gozilla AMP

Talking about 4P1L Single Ended AmplifierRBF

If do you have intresting about Mizushima RIAA for Vinil

Go to the vinil of world DIY RIAA


 KT120 Single Ended Amplifier

In the case of KT 120, although the physique of the sound is felt large, although it is understood by listening to EL 156 - China, the physique of the sound is large,
and it gives a sweet flexible musical rich sound. I can not understand why EL 156 - China was discontinued, it is a very rich musical tube.
If EL34 or KT88 is used for this amplifier, it will sound like KT88 in EL34.
I think that it is a very good amplifier for the simple circuit as long as EL 156 - China and EL 34 are used.
I think that it became a musical rich amplifier with very little distortion feeling. It needs a good power supply and a good output transformer.

It is my feeling. I understand EL156-China is good, but I doubt if KT-120 will give you a
good sound. It is hard to say that it is a good vacuum tube unless you change the circuit
and cook again. Although it is possible to test a plurality of vacuum tubes,
it is not an appropriate setting, so I can not say anything but I understood the goodness of a vacuum tube called EL34.
Traduce by Google from Japanese to English.

new project: KT120/EL34/KT88 and KT66/6L6 Single Ended Amplifier for Chile Market



NNeumann's --The LV60 equaliser and cutter-head power amplifier

el156 Gen3

please vist above site new EL156/EL34 Single Ended Amplifier.

Schematic diagram of Neumann LV60 cutting machine

(Since 20th/feb/2009)last up date 27th May 2024 from Yachiyo Chiba Japan

7th Avenue

If would like to know more ?

Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y

How to build up Amplifier Single Ended Amplifier 2011-2024